lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009


Ça Ira es la primera ópera compuesta por Roger Waters. Obra que le ha supuesto al autor, con interrupciones, 16 años de trabajo, según confesión propia y que culminó a mediados de julio de 2005. Se trata de una "historia para ópera de la Revolución francesa", cuyo libreto ha escrito Etienne Roda-Gil. Ça ira fue presentada en versión concertante ese mismo año en Roma, entre los intérpretes de música clásica elegidos para cantarla figura el tenor galés Bryn Terfel.

LANZAMIENTO: Septiembre 2005
CURIOSIDADES: El proyecto se suspendió provisionalmente tras la muerte por leucemia de la esposa del libretista, Nadine, que había ilustrado la edición original del libro.
1. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/The Gathering Storm 1:39
2. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/Overture 4:06
3. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/A Garden in Vienna 1765 0:54
4. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"Madame Antoine, Madame Antoine..." 2:53
5. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/Kings, Sticks and Birds 2:40
6. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"Honest bird, simple bird..." 2:10
7. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"I want to be King..." 2:38
8. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"Let us break all the shields..." 1:46
9. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/The Grievances of the People 4:39
10. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/France in Disarray 2:34
11. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"To laugh is to know how to live..." 1:43
12. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"Slavers, Landlords, Bigots at your door..."3:36
13. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/The Fall of the Bastille 1:34
14. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"To freeze in the dead of night..."2:19
15. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"So to the streets in the pouring rain..." 4:17
16. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/Dances and Marches 2:12
17. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"Now Hear Ye!..." 2:17
18. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"Flushed with wine..." 4:32
19. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/The Letter (English Version) 1:37
20. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"My dear Cousin Bourbon of Spain..." 2:48
21. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"The ship of state is all at sea..." 1:47
22. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/Silver, Sugar and Indigo 0:55
23. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"To the Windward Isles..." 4:50
24. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/The Papal Edict 1:17
25. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"In Paris there's a rumble under the ground..."
1. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/The Fugitive King 2:14
2. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"But the Marquis of Boulli has a trump card up his sleeve..."4:27
3. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"To take your hat off..." 2:40
4. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"The echoes never fade from that fusillade..."3:15 5. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/The Commune de Paris 2:43
6. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"Vive la Commune de Paris..." 3:15
7. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"The National Assembly is confused..." 2:41
8. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/The Execution of Louis Capet 1:39
9. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"Adieu Louis for you it's over..." 3:46
10. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/Marie Antoinette - The Last Night on Earth 1:36
11. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"Adieu my good and tender sister..." 5:10
12. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/Liberty 2:50
13. Ca Ira - Opera in Three Acts/"And in the bushes where they survive..."

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